Patent Licensing and Monetization

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Intellectual Property, including Patents, is an asset class that may be valued and monetized. TechPats understands the incredible investment of time and resources in research, development, and patent prosecution that is required in order to receive a granted patent.

Monetization Strategies

The basic approach to maximizing return on investment is to identify the most valuable assets and develop a monetization strategy that works with your business needs.

Whether your portfolio includes one patent or one thousand, our proprietary work-flow and deal-flow software, iPatents, can be utilized to help our analysts identify the patents with the best claims. Whether it’s developing a monetization strategy for our clients or offering technological and market expertise, TechPats is able to work with patent owners and their counsel and help drive the deals in all types of patent transactions.

Licensing and Cross-Licensing

Licensing a patented invention is a popular method of monetizing a patent because it can generate revenue for the life of the patent without giving up ownership. A patent grants the owner the right to exclude others from practicing the patented invention. Licensing a patent is permitting one or more parties to make, use, or sell a product or service that uses the claimed invention, usually, in exchange for a royalty or other compensation. The leverage driving a patent licensing deal is the ability to enforce that right to exclude via litigation, so a significant basis for valuing an IP licensing