Our Services


Our services are specially designed and tailored to provide patent protection, enforcement and IP commercialization which give our clients an edge in the market by incrementing their productivity and capabilities.

Novelty Search

The first condition of patentability is that the invention must be new. You should always find an answer to..

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Patentability Search

Thorough Search For Prior Art Literature To Raise Questions On Patentability Of Subject Matter..

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Freedom To Operate Search

Thorough Search For Potential Threats (Patented Literature) Against Your Product/Technology..

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State Of The Art Search

Search To Establish The Current State Of The Technology And To Have A Broad Overview Of The Technical Space.

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Chemical Structure Search

Chemical structure patent searches are conducted by scientists, chemistry patent attorneys, health-professionals..

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Biological Sequence Search

Biological molecules play a significant role in both human and animals and it thus necessary to apply knowledge..

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Evidence Of Use / Infringement Search

A Search Of Products And Technologies Available In The Market, That May Directly Or Indirectly Infringe On A Patent..

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Patent Invalidity / Validity Analysis

Thorough Search For Prior Art Literature To Validate Your Patent, Or Potentially Raise Questions On Validity Of The Patents..

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Patent Landscape

A 20,000ft Overview Of The Technology Landscape For R&D, Licensing, Clearance Or Whitespace Analysis..

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Patent Licensing And Monetization

Intellectual Property, including Patents, is an asset class that may be valued and monetized. TechPats understands the..

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Competitive Intelligence

Looking For Potential Competitors In The Market, And Having Their Relevant Patents Collected For Further Research At A Single Place..

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Portfolio Analysis

Management Of Your Patent Portfolio, Your Competitor’s Portfolio, And/Or Performing A Comparison Between The Two.

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